Posted on by Mariam Ali
It’s that time of the year again where you are responsible for planning the next corporate event but you exhausted all the popular corporate venues and your colleagues gave you a blank stare when you suggested a wilderness excursion.
Lucky for you (and for us), we had the opportunity to tour the Pacific Eden Cruise Ship. We learned about the incredible corporate facilities they have on board and their all-inclusive corporate packages.
While Rebecca Mutanen, the Corporate Groups Sales Manager was giving us a tour, we couldn’t help but ask over and over again, “wait.. this is also included?"
We were stunned.
That is why we decided to provide you with the Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Leave Earth on Your Next Corporate Event
Wide Range of Facilities Available: Whether you are planning a gala, an award ceremony, or a conference, the P&O team will find the best venue to suit your activities.
High Value at a Lower Cost: This is your opportunity to spoil your colleagues on things that are already INCLUSIVE in your package! P&O Cruise programs are loaded with inclusions such as meals, entertainment and complimentary venue spaces. Plus, for every 16 delegates booked (twin share), you will receive a cash reward of one fare.
There are even more entertainment options that you and your colleagues can choose to participate in. From Spa treatments, shows, casinos, to a range of dining options. It is all there. You can even enjoy a meal in the first Australian celebrity chef restaurant at sea, Salt grill by Luke Mangan!
Event Coordinator on Hand: For groups larger than 150, an expert event coordinator will travel with you to help with anything you need.
Team Building Exercises Available: There are over 60 on board team building exercises. The P&O Edge has its very own adventure park!
Travel Internationally: This is a special opportunity to travel internationally or within Australia with your colleagues. This is a very special experience that your team will never forget.
If you need more convincing, here are some photos that we took on our tour. Enjoy!

Nufurn had the pleasure to custom make banquet chairs for the Pacific Eden conference room. Is it just me or do the frames look like waves *wink.*

Click here to learn more about the P&O Corporate Package